Possible New Product Names
I was quite surprised when Jobs showed off the new PowerBook. Oh wait, it isn’t called a PowerBook anymore. Oh no, its new name is the MacBook Pro. And since it is an all new computer it deserves an all new name, doesn’t it? I mean, it has a video camera built in, new chipset from Intel, bigger screen, new darker color, magnetic power plug and its display is super bright! So why shouldn’t it have a new name? Throwing off the old, as it were, for this new year as Apple embraces its future. Onward!
But we can’t forget the iMac, it got a new processor and it still has its old name. Of course, it didn’t get a ton of cool new features like the PowerBook, er MacBook Pro (doesn’t flow off the tongue very well does it?) did. It still has the same old case, same old screen, same old camera. And of course, it hasn’t been around for nearly as long as the PowerBook line has. So maybe we can forgive Steve for not coming up with a newer, hipper sounding moniker. However, lest we forget, there are still a few more Mac models that still need Intel chips. And thus, might just get new names as well. Here they are, my guesses, by the odds on who will get new names and what those names will be:
Possible Names: MacBook, MiniBook, iBook Extreme
- Possible Enhancements
- Brighter displays
- Larger displays (probably widescreen)
- Built-in iSight camera
- Front Row
- Remote control
- Dual core Intel chip
- Magnetic power cable
- Darker color (expect a misty look)
- Thinner
It would seem like a lock to assume the iBook is getting a new name since it doesn’t already have the word “Mac” in it (Jobs is trying to rebrand everything with the Mac moniker on it, I think). I don’t personally like MacBook but that is the name I would put my money on.
Mac Mini
Possible Names: Media Mac, Mini Pro
- Possible Enhancements
- Dock for iPod
- Front Row
- Remote control
- Dual core Intel chip
- Now comes in two colors, black and white (so your iPod can match your computer)
- DVR capabilities
- More connections
- Larger
I definitely think that the Mini will get a new name. Though it will probably have more to do with needing a name that better describes its new features more than anything else. Look for DVR capabilities in a few months folks.
Possible Names: X Mac, Mac Pro Series, Power Pro
- Possible Enhancements
- DVR capabilities
- Front Row
- Remote control
- Two Dual core Intel chips
- Darker gray
- Bigger
Now, here is a product that already has a cool name, a descriptive name and the name has the word “Mac” in it. So, for the moment I think this one is safe.
New Model?
Possible Names: MacCore, eMac Extreme, X Tower
- Possible Enhancements
- DVR capabilities
- Front Row
- Remote control
- One Dual core Intel chips
- Comes in different colors
- Bigger than the Mini, smaller than the PowerMac
If a product like this ever comes out I, for one, will be both amazed and overjoyed. But we can all dream, right?
But Don’t You Think Calling It The iMacBook Will Make It Confusing With The iMac? Also, Its Too easy To Confuse iMacBook And MacBook, Because Lets face It, In a few Months No-one’s Actually gonna keep tagging The “Pro” bit on the end of the title “MacBook Pro”
I Recon They’ll Just Leave It As ibook - Its a Household Brand Name and Doesn’t Really present The PowerPC / Power name in title problem the Professiona Machines Are Facing.
That Said, My Dreams Of One Day Owning A PowerMac GX Are Now Slowly Seeming To Never Become A Reality :’-(
...And In Answer To no.16, The Consumer Versions Of Apple “Pro” Stuff Are Called “Express”
Apple Always Pride Themselves On Presenting Easy Choices To Its Customers. Its either Professional desktop, consumer Desktop. Professional Laptop, Consumer laptop. And Then The Choices In These Catogories Are Good, Better Or Best. Theres no “Pentium 5000xyz with turbo mega hyper threading technology” talk. ( Check Out Dell’s Website To See What I mean
Some Of The names Mentioned Above Are Just Too Similar To Avoid Confusing Situations.
Possible iterations:
Ok, perhaps not… but assuming that the high end desktops come with 2 Intel Duos later this year, they could bring back the “Quadra”. Actually, given the chips, you’d almost think they’d ressurect the “Duo” namesake.
iMac Power Pro Quadra Duo
Sounds like I’m counting in Latin or something…
Don’t mind me, I think I’m on a caffeine high.