James: As one who is new here, I confess I really like your writing style. FWIW, I have yet to find a article written by you, I disagree with.
We all know every Winblows user's secret desire is to be a Mac addict. Yeah the biz people will mention how difficult it would be to switch, while the home surfer will use the excuse "Mac's are too expensive". Screw 'em. Although I've found both success and failure in transforming switchers, again I write, I am proud to be one of the chosen few.
Keep up the great work. I really like this site. If we ever meet in a bar, the first rounds on me.
[i]The same thing happens with me on my Mac mini when I try to open FCP and do ANYTHING else. Obviously my one experience means that OSX is inferior and crappy and doesn’t work like a “normal” computer is supposed to.[/i]
As a professional in the film industry, running FCP on a mac mini is not considered "normal". For that matter, neither is the mac mini.
Bottom line (to the original article), being one of the chosen few (aka; a Mac user) is heavenly for me.
As one who only knows the Mac way of life, who the hell cares what a duel Mac & peecee user needs or what feels most comfy for them. It's a Mac, it's from Apple... deal with it or give up the peecee. (Give up the mac and your just stupid). So I say to hell with anyone who suggests Apple transform to a winblows style.
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