What have I learnt from this matter:
1. Clever PR will always catch attention.
2. That Apple Matters (AM) support clever campaigns.
3. That AM will sincerely apologies if his second judgement reveals that other people might be negatively impacted.
4. That some people do not accept apologies.
5. That some engines are more vulnerable than others, but that there is an engine such as Expression which according to Hadley is solid.
6. Sometimes supporting mechanisms have more clout than the mechanism.
7. That some people think that in a years time security searches of todays events will prove anything.
8. That some people think they can "delete a site" because it is "disgraceful".
My number 5 for the list above, would be to log out of System 9. I sometimes need to backtrack to 9 and noticed the frequency of spinning balls reduces after quitting System 9. So do your thing and 9 and stop Classic as soon as possible.
Sincere Apologies
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