Look we can disagree on strategy, but I think it is fair to point out two pretty significant points left out of your article.
1. iOS will work fine on a Apple TV/ iTV when controlled from your iTouch device.
2. Having iOS on a TV device opens it up for existing developers to create now.
One important thing we do agree on, is their are many different and cool ways to interact with your TV with a touch device. Apple's Remote app is the tip of the iceberg. It does also have great potential for games and to interact with media. Think of Nintendo's Four Swords on gamecube using the gameboy as a controller. Awesome new game ideas but impractical. Think of the Scrabble iPad app that use the touch for tiles? Think of tabletop board games or trivia games on your iTV? Interactive Live touch tv? No, not a 60" touch screen, silly! This interface has the potential to create games and interfaces not explored yet. People doubted the iPhone as a gaming device too. The developers, not apple, made it happen.
In short, tons of potential with this interface and iOS gives them a leg up on developing new apps before Google and MS gets wise and do the same.
The benefit, is the development community! I'm biting my tongue here. You have seen it to be successful? right? Sorry, you are making me snide again.
If this works, like I think it could, it won't be long till Google and Microsoft follow suit in having their multi-touch devices play nice with their set top boxes. Leveraging the smart phone tech revolution, is a smart move and apple may take the lead on this too.
You think the remote app is fantastic. I just wish you saw this potential, when writing your article.
I apologize Chris. That was uncalled for.
Their will be a fair amount apps that can be quite useful and appropriate, like the Netflix app. Also, current media players like the Xbox 360 and PS3, that serve the same type of content (music, movies), don't have search. As you see with the Apple TV remote app. Search is very useful on a multi-touch screen remote. I figure apple feels they can offer something better then a harmony remote and can dial up content on your tv, as easy as a typing in what you want. It may seem niche. But I don't doubt Apple can be successful and profitable at it. I also expect it will be cool, based on the evolution of their tech.
Chris, I suggest you find a Apple TV and download the remote app. It might just be the best remote you have ever used. It also controls multiple speaker configurations easily. I play my music and pick music on my patio, for instance. No you are not going want to play Flight Control but navigating You Tube, Netflix, Internet Radio and your media library will be a breeze. And yes, iphone and iPad user will be first adopters. But if $99 is to be believed, it will have plenty takers.
iTV will be controlled with your iPad, iPhone or iPod, so iOS will be completely intuitive. I imagine their will be at least a couple dozen iTV specific apps at launch with hundreds to follow.
Anyone, like myself, that has Apple TV knows the remote app is awesome for navigating your media collection and searching the web. It's one is the best parts of the device that people forget about. We don't know for sure if the iTV is coming Sept. 1, but do your research man!
Apple will not be as short-sighted as you.
iOS on an Apple TV? A VERY Bad Idea
iOS on an Apple TV? A VERY Bad Idea
iOS on an Apple TV? A VERY Bad Idea
iOS on an Apple TV? A VERY Bad Idea
iOS on an Apple TV? A VERY Bad Idea